Iceland and Godthaab, Greenland

Flying home from Istanbul.

South East corner of Iceland. My first ever view of Iceland: looked well populated.
Godthaab halfway up the West side of Greenland

Later, Greenland, and as always, never shows a sign of life. Not even a polar bear whose shadow might have shown in the low evening sun.  Then spent 2 hours looking at the ice between there and Hudson’s Bay. What size splat would a fist size meteor make on the ice? I kept looking for an image like those new ones of Mercury but saw nothing.


2011/4  Safely back. Saw 50 riot police looking like Darth Vaders on the Galata Bridge, a frequent site for protests. They were too scary to even point my cell phone camera at them.

One of many, many mosques.

The beautiful Hagia Sophia. Or is the Blue Mosque? Either way, still stunning after centuries of weather, war and earthquakes. Built before the cathedrals of Europe. I wonder if the Crusaders brought back images to France and Germany?

Bazaar Porter - might be the best way to carry a heavy load?

Waterfront properties on the Bosphorous cost about 4 million Euros.