Left Ottawa before dawn and at sunrise watched the cool September air condense the vapors off Lake Ontario at Kingston.
Toronto has good art sense. Down by Queens Quay this green item has a “Good Bike” label on the frame.
At Cherry Beach 50 or 60 windsurfers we lined up for a Le Mans start
It’s hard to imagine the confusion a few seconds later but a windward end of the line start was worth much and got one ahead of a big bunch for a 2 1/2 hour race.
All went well until the Island airport where many buoys at the end of the runways led to confusion as to the proper course.
Good weekend for it because right afterwards the Jet Stream dropped a most unusual eddy which stayed right over Ohio and Ontario and rotated there for over a week of almost hourly alternating rain and sun and wind.From ground level I searched for the stream but at best could only see these streams of cloud rushing by. They were very different from the Kingston vapors a week previously.