
A delightful UNESCO Heritage site, where the red iron oxide color of the walls recalls the spilt blood of the many battles by many foreigners over the centuriesĀ to control the Straits for East-West shipping.

The heavy humidity and still air heat can’t be photographed but many giant Monitor Lizards can be seen scuttling along the edge, and swimming in the river in the middle of town.

Penang Island

Not sure one should travel with a company called Fire Fly but it was fine.

My reward for 2 weeks lecturing is 2 days at the beach.

Monkeys are evil. Always carry a big stick in the jungle. Large gangs of them roam and try to get around behind you, threatening to jump on your back!

Even more threatening are the ants. While you’re trying to photograph them their palls are thinking your legs are another available tree.
Malaysian wild bees at a farm near the botanical garden don’t sting, but after many of them crawl over your handĀ  they start to scratch and try to apply propolis. Feels like the onset of stinging but it’s harmless.

Cannonball tree.

A botanical seed specimen of a cannonball tree fell into my bag. It would be fun to grow it in the conservatory.