Bee Bites Back of Hand that Feeds it

I gave the hive a new penthouse ‘Super’ frame on top to house the many homeless ones hanging out on the front porch (they’re breeding like flies): the to cover was stuck down with their propolis glue and opened with a crack sound. To one bee this meant ‘Bear attack’. The sting doesn’t hurt at all but itches for days (only 3 days), until the swelling goes down.

Bees look happy now. These topic floors are meant for honey, not raising babies

2 thoughts on “Bee Bites Back of Hand that Feeds it

  1. Hi Chris… I am in Palm Coast, Florida, this week with my (12 and 14 year old) grandchildren, while their parents visit London. Louise (who is in Toledo helping with another, very new grandchild) mentioned that you asked whether I had visited you at 341. The answer now, obviously, is YES. Nicely done and delightfully low-key. I would welcome an apiary update when the buzz warrants it. There is nothing new on my website, but a couple of pieces are nearing the end of gestation. You have shamed me with the quality and quantity of your output. Regards… Mike

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