Riverside X-Country Ski Trail – Optional short and steep bits


The trail can be started here at the East end of Riverside Park, West Front Street, Perrysburg, with a nice climb that a well waxed ski can handle easily.

Follow that with a smooth glide down to “Water Street”

and then go West.

The optional “Belazi Bayou Drop-In”

Cross the road to the treatment plant and you come to where the deer showed me this path: “The Channel Chute”. The drop-off was too steep for the one snowshoe explorer who followed but you can branch left for an easier fun descent through the trees, alongside the remains of the very old channel for the long gone water mill at Louisianna.

Carry on North, then West on the ice, if safe, under the Maumee Bridge, around Fort Meigs either CW or CCW, and back home for hot apple cider, ginger and possibly Tulamore Dew Irish whiskey.

Map to follow later.

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